The ART of Mastering Weight Loss!

Are you frustrated with diets, meal plans, and everything weight loss? We are each UNIQUE. Let me help you unlock your Personal Weight Loss SECRETS once and for all.

It's time for a CHANGE! Get your Guides TODAY and stop worrying about weight loss!

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End Weight Loss Drama Once and For ALL!

We are each very unique. Depending on our upbrininging, overall health, and daily habits, our bodies change differently.

Stop Over Dieting

If you have been on 3 or more diets in your lifetime...that is TOO MUCH! The more you diet, the more your body rebels and the slower you progress.

Change Your Perspective

Food is FUEL. The body eats because it NEEDS nutrition from vitamins and minerals, and good quality fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The body DOES NOT need food for comfort or socialization.

It's All About Choices

We were not born with an instruction Manual and Troubleshooting Guide. We are each UNIQUE. The ideal is to formulate a plan that meets our needs, no fad diets. The Goal:


I am here to HELP!

My name is Adita Lang, and I’m a certified health and nutrition coach with over 40 years of experience, but more importantly...I have coached thousands of people to break the dieting hamster wheel.

As a mom and entrepreneur, I know just how crazy the day can become. This is where we complain that we don’t have enough time, energy, or desire to make the right changes to impact our weight and health. When I watched so many clients Yo-Yo their way to a dieting fail, I knew something had to change.

This inspired me to write SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness as a means of helping other women achieve the weight and energy they deserve. But guess what? These same principals apply to men!

Since then, I have been blessed to work with thousands of individuals, teaching them the easiest ways of implementing healthy habits and helping them to identify their own unique needs for a healthy body.

My goal is to share with you as much as I can for you to transform your body for better health, energy, and your personal ideal weight.

You know, I have worked with all ages. We have broken some of the most rigid habits, and guess what…they SURVIVED! They have more energy, lean muscle, and less fat to slow them down. You too can accomplish this and so much more! I am here for you, it's time to make a change!

No More Weight Loss DRAMA

Sign-Up Today - DOWNLOAD - and Start making Your Personal Weighl Loss Plan.

  • Weight Loss 101 Course +Food Log INSIDER Secrets
  • My book SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness + Workout Videos
  • 5-Day Sugar Buster Recipe Guide - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • BONUS Kitchen Clean-Out, make your kitchen healthier and easier to manuver.

I have to admit, I had some terrible habits. I self sabotaged a bit too much, but I never really realized what I was doing to myself. Adita shined the spotlight, it wasn't easy, but she held my hand and made me understand how my body was different then other people. For years, I dieted, and I made my weight loss more and more difficult. TODAY, I am loving my body, weight, and I feel better than I could have ever imagined.

- Jason Menendez -