Dear Frustrated Parent…

Are you stressed when mealtime comes? Are your picky eaters making you nuts in the kitchen?

Even worse…Do they constantly complain of upset stomachs and struggle with constipation?

Hey there, what if I told you that feeding the family should come easy?

That making a meal should not be complicated and no parent should have to prepare multiple meals to appease the hungry faces at the kitchen table.

Here’s the thing, parenting has its stresses, and appeasing the household sometimes seems like the right thing to do.

You have to “choose your battles,” they say…I get it, it’s easier to bust open a box of mac and cheese, knowing that you will hear no complaints from the troops.

I've been there… trust me!

When you apply what I am about to share with you today, cooking a meal should take 20 to 30 minutes, tops!

Not to mention, it should be packed with nutrition and enjoyed by ALL!

Unfortunately, some of these convenient food choices come with some nasty consequences, such as constipation, hyperactivity, upset stomach, itchy skin, and so much more. Besides, would YOU want a plate of fresh vegetables if you knew the alternative was pizza or mac and cheese?

For kids, and adults as well, sugar, flour, and dairy all break down and digest as sugar. Too much sugar feeds bad bacteria in the gut and this leads to constipation, indigestion, weight challenges, weakened immune systems and just about everything else we can complain about.

Not to mention, these sugars are addictive and become the villain of any meal. It’s not to say that you have to remove them completely, it’s about providing the right nutrition through your foods, and then keeping these sugars as special occasions.

Today you can create a FAMILY KITCHEN that everyone will enjoy.

Spend LESS time cooking and MORE time enjoying meals with the family.

HOW?? Because I have created a package to help you make this easy and fun for the entire family!

This means you can now enjoy my amazing SECRETS to feeding the family with SUCCESS. And it’s not just about constipation, and upset stomachs, it's about feeding the entire family without tears and aggravation.


  • Inside, you’ll find easy-to-make recipes. Everything from pancakes to sandwich wraps, and a few dinner time favorites.

  • Discover the best way to plan a meal for a variety of taste buds.

  • Learn about several misconceptions that have made mealtime complicated.

  • Get your kids enjoying their meals.

  • No more bathroom aggravations.

  • And even-out your kid’s energy to stay motivated and focused in school.

Eliminate PICKY-EATER struggles for good!

Thanks to my top kitchen and cooking secrets, the family kitchen will be the EASIEST part of the day or night.

If mealtime has become the primary stress of the household, hold on tight, and let’s transform the family kitchen to meet the needs of your family as easily as possible.

  • You can make delicious meals in 30 minutes or less, even if you’re a total beginner in the kitchen.

  • Designing meals to nourish the entire family should come easy. No one should be complaining of stomach aches or constipation, let alone farts that stink up the house.

  • Our kids are like a clean canvas, the meals we prepare, and the snacks they eat, can combine in such a way to provide nutrition or to provide empty calories and digestive issues.

  • Every kid is different, they digest foods differently, and they react differently. It’s all about finding the right combination of foods, and ingredients, to enhance digestion. As opposed to making it harder!

SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen was written with LOVE, to make your family kitchen run like a finely tuned engine. Add in there the Nutritional Brilliance Intro Course and you are armed with everything you need to make the family kitchen run like a finely tuned engine!

Order TODAY and get the following FREE:

Free Bonus #1

Healthy Lunch Box 101

($27 Value) FREE

Is lunch time hard to coordinate?

Then this template will help you to easily build the perfect lunch for the pickiest of eaters!

Free Bonus #2

How to Build the Perfect Dinner ($27 Value) FREE

Everyone has different tastes and desires for the family meal, here’s a template that takes away the stress and creates a formula that the entire family will enjoy.

Free Bonus #3

Snacks for SuperHero Health

($19 Value) FREE

All kids need some kind of package to add into their lunch. There are great packaged snacks that can be an addition, while keeping their digestion and needs in check.


"My kitchen was a ZOO. I was making too many meals just to keep the peace. Adita open my eyes and made it so easy to make simple changes that made our meal time much easier. "

Shelly McPhierson - Mom of 4

"Dinnertime became mentally and physically exhausting. Trying to prepare meals for one with sensitivities and one who refuses to "eat anything green"... was pushing me to my breaking point. Thanks to Adita, and her awesome material, I am enjoying dinners with the family and the kids are finally getting sound nutrition."

Keith Cannone - Dad of 2


A 99% satisfaction rate from thousands of parents

My name is Adita Lang, and I’m a certified health and nutrition coach with over 40 years of experience.

Over the past few years, I have released several best selling books, including:

SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness.

And worked with thousands of families to restore PEACE to the FAMILY KITCHEN

Not to mention, working on my own Super Mom abilities with my kids, Nash and Mila. Best of all, I’ve been able to help with such issues as… Constipation, Digestive issues, Mental clarity and focus, Immune support, Childhood obesity, and Diabetes.

Once you see all of the amazing information inside the pages of SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen, you will transform your kitchen into a haven of great eating, and family fun.

I have been a mom now for 17 years, 10 months, and 3 weeks, 2 days, 6 hours, and 33 minutes, to be exact.

I have two kids that have two different tastes, challenges, and weird cravings.

Parenting is challenging enough, too many people have opinions that they have gathered from family members, friends, magazines, and sales clerks, yet we are still dealing with digestive issues in such a huge way.

Once you see all of the amazing information inside the pages of SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen, combined with the Nutritional Brilliance Intro Course, you will transform your kitchen into a haven of great eating, and family fun.

All with the GOAL of making your life easier and the family happier!

Just take a look inside:

  • You’ll discover the key factors of what makes nutrition important in every child's life

  • Break down misconceptions that have been making the kitchen harder than it needs to be

  • 31 easy to make recipes to feed your entire family for success

  • Food Planning made easy

Bursting with tips for a stress-free kitchen - Start feeding your family for success!

Imagine how amazing it will be to see your kids happy and healthy, with no digestive distress or constipation. No more tears and irritability!

Create a kitchen that’s easy to navigate and leaves the entire family with a SMILE, a healthy smile!

But make sure you hurry… Because we may run out at any second.

You may be wondering…is there a catch! How is this such a no-brainer? And I’m happy to say…there’s no catch here! Click the button below to make a purchase that will change your family kitchen forever.

Yes, that’s right, this digital book and course will change your life… And we want the news to get out there as quickly as possible That’s why I'm selling it all together with such a discount!

I’m so excited to be YOUR COACH and #1 fan…

And to help you, help your family, to digest foods properly, poop like a champ, and become the healthiest versions of themselves!

Thanks for joining me,


Claim your digital copy of SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen, the Nutritional Brilliance Intro Course, PLUS your FREE 3 bonuses.

(a $120 value, all for the basic fee of $49.99)


Feed your kids for brain clarity and PEACE at home!

Adita Lang - © 2023 Copyright